Master in Astrology, Tarot and Spiritual Alchemy
Starry Sky Signs by Karla Monrivé
The mission of Karla Monrive´s healing program is to completely renew energies to heal, prosper, find peace and improve our destiny.

Karla Monrivé
MasterThe healing program created by Karla Monrivé started with the project in spanish named “Almastral” (Astral Soul), it emerged in 1999 as a TV program and store at Venezuela. With more than 30 years of experience, it offers one of the best services of its kind worldwide. Karla Monrivé is a prestigious collaborator of many international media outlets, her reputation can be widely confirmed on numerous social networks.
Starry Sky Signs
This is the name of the healing program in English.
To book an appointment at times not available at the online agenda, you must write to the email
Astrology transports us within ourselves.
The Tarot indicates the luck that we will face each day.
The harmony between our inner harmony and our daily astrological future will fill our calendar with good moments.
The human mind can do everything. I can read the signs of your Destiny and tell you the truth.
Karla Monrivé Almastral
En la sesión vi mi situación desde afuera y encontré la mejor solución. El Tarot me ayudó a superar las dificultades que tenía. Las cartas me enseñaron que todo se resolvería, me dieron la esperanza necesaria.
In the session I saw my situation from the outside and found the best solution. The Tarot helped me overcome the difficulties I had. The letters taught me that everything would be resolved, they gave me the necessary hope.
Francisco B.
Recomiendo hacer una lectura con el Tarot, sobre todo si deseas anticiparte con éxito a cualquier situación. El Tarot me enseñó claramente la parte de mi futuro que necesitaba saber. Escogí el mejor camino cuando tenía dudas.
I recommend doing a Tarot reading, especially if you want to successfully anticipate any situation. The Tarot clearly taught me the part of my future I needed to know. I chose the best path when I had doubts.
Lina De Angelo
Si estás considerando una lectura de Tarot, te recomiendo que lo hagas. Siempre regreso a consultar a Karla cuando tengo alguna preocupación sobre mi relación. Tuve mucha información valiosa durante las sesiones, me siento tranquila y motivada.
If you are considering a Tarot reading, I recommend you do it. I always come back to Karla when I have any concerns about my relationship. I had a lot of valuable information during the sessions, I feel calm and motivated.